Maritime Asian and Pacific Studies Toyo University

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Anthropological Studies of Mobilities and Materialities by Nakano Makibi et al. has been published



Shumpusha Anthropological Studies of Mobilities and Materialities (Mobility to busshitsusei no jinruigaku in Japanese) Furukawa Fukachi(ed.)A5, 280 pagesISBN:9784861109126Publication: 2024/33,30……

Overseas Chinese Communities in Java under Japanese Military Rule: Control and Mobilization in “Kyoei-ho” by Prof. Tsuda Koji has been published



Fukyosha Overseas Chinese Communities in Java under Japanese Military Rule: Control and Mobilization in "Kyoei-ho"(Nihon gunseika jawa no kakyo shakai: kyoeiho ni miru tousei to douin in Japanese) ……

Iwanami Lectures, World History, Vol. 12: Early Modern East and Southeast Asia, 15th-18th Centuries by Prof. Ota Atsushi et al. has been published



Iwanami Shoten Iwanami Lectures, World History, Vol. 12: Early Modern East and Southeast Asia, 15th-18th Centuries (Iwanami Koza, sekai rekishi, 12: Higashi ajia to tonan ajia no kinsei 15-18 seik……

A History of Southeast Asia : Critical Crossroads co-translated by Prof. Ota Atsushi has been published



The University of Nagoya Press A History of Southeast Asia : Critical Crossroads Volume 1, 2 (Sekaishi no naka no Tonan Ajia: rekishi o kaeru kousaro in Japanese, Volume 1, 2) translated by Ota A……

Socioeconomic Implications of Migrant Labor in Indonesia: Considerations from Fishing Boat Workers and Fish Processing Workersby Prof. Nagatsu Kazufumi has been published



Asian Cultures Research Institute, Toyo University Socioeconomic Implications of Migrant Labor in Indonesia: Considerations from Fishing Boat Workers and Fish Processing Workers (Indonesia ni okeru……

People on the Move: Thinking through Diversity by Suzuki Yuki et al. has been published



Koyoshobo People on the Move: Thinking through Diversity (Idosuru hitobito: tayousei kara kangaeru in Japanese) Ishii Masako, Nakagawa Osamu, Caprio Mark and Okuno Katsumi (eds.)B6, 290 pagesISBN……

Living on the Border: An Historical Ethnography of the Sama Dilaut in Sabah, Malaysia by Prof. Nagatsu Kazufumi has been published



木犀社 Living on the Border: An Historical Ethnography of the Sama Dilaut in Sabah, Malaysia (Kokkyo o ikiru: maresia・sabashu, umisama no dotaiteki minzokushi in Japanese) Nagatsu Kazufumi22cm, 481p……

An Ethnography of Mobile Sea Peoples: A Cultural History in the Western Pacific co-edited by Prof. Nagatsu Kazufumi has been published



Showado An Ethnography of Mobile Sea Peoples: A Cultural History in the Western Pacific (Kaimin no ido shi: nishitaiheiyo no nettowaku shakai in Japanese) Ono Rintaro; Nagatsu Kazufumi; Intoh Mic……

Nation and Heroes: The Dynamism of Modern Indonesian Society by Prof. Tsuda Koji et al. has been published



Mokuseisha Nation and Heroes: The Dynamism of Modern Indonesian Society(Kokka-Eiyu ga utsusu indonesia in Japanese) Yamaguchi Hiroko, Kaneko Masanori and Tsuda Koji (eds.)A5, 333 pagesISBN:9784896……

The “Chinese” as a Line : An Anthropological Approach from the Field of Action and Practice by Prof. Tsuda Koji has been published



Fukyosha The "Chinese" as a Line : An Anthropological Approach from the Field of Action and Practice (Kajin to iu byosen: koui jissen no ba karano jinruigaku apurochi in Japanese) Tsuda Koji, Saku……