Maritime Asian and Pacific Studies


【開催案内】JSSEAS-MAPS共催研究集会 Southeast Asia as Critical Crossroads: Dialogue with Anthony Reid

【開催案内】JSSEAS-MAPS共催研究集会 Southeast Asia as Critical Crossroads: Dialogue with Anthony Reid








 リード氏は1980年代後半から、アナール派の提唱した「全体史」の観点を東南アジア史に導入し、Southeast Asia in the Age of Commerce (1988, 1993)において、民衆生活、経済、労働、宗教、儀礼、食事、女性の役割、物質文化などを鮮やかに描くことで、東南アジア像を一新しました。リード氏はその後、東南アジアの華人、非国家社会、自然災害についても先駆的な研究を発表し、東南アジア研究のみならず他分野にも多大な影響を与えてきました。氏の近著 A History of Southeast Asia: Critical Crossroads (Wiley Blackwell, 2015) *は、東南アジア地域全体の歴史を先史時代から現代まで一人で描き上げ、自ら「著作のうちでも最も包括的な本」とみなす作品です。氏は本書において、多様性を基軸に、環境・ジェンダー・非国家という3つの視点から、斬新な東南アジア像全体を打ち出しました。本研究集会は、この東南アジア像と東南アジア研究のこれからをリード氏と共に考える機会となります。








JSSEAS & NIHU-MAPS Joint Conference

Southeast Asia as Critical Crossroads: Dialogues with Anthony Reid (TBD)

— Day 1: July 22(Sat)

– Session 1. Reading A History of Southeast Asia: Critical Crossroads (TBD)

10:00-10:10 Opening remarks: Masao Imamura and Kazufumi Nagatsu

10:10-10:30 “Southeast Asian Genius: How the Region Manages Its Diversity?” Noriyuki Osada

10:30-10:50 “Southeast Asia as Method?” Akiko Iijima

10:50-11:10 “Towards Mainstreaming Southeast Asia: from the Viewpoints of History Education and Scholarship Review” Shiro Momoki

11:10-11:25 Break

11:25-11:45 “Southeast Asia in Global History: Trade, Economic Growth and the Environment” Kaoru Sugihara

11:45-12:05 “Social Structures and Historical Conjunctures: A Comparative View from China” Mio Kishimoto

12:05-12:20 Reply from Anthony Reid

– Session 2. Anthony Reid and Southeast Asian Studies(TBD)

13:30-13:35 Opening remarks

13:35-13:50 “What is Vernacularization?” Masao Imamura

13:50-14:05 “Lessons on Gender from Southeast Asia” Yoko Hayami

14:05-14:20 “Environmental “Turns” in Historiography: Impact on Southeast Asian Studies” Farizah Zakaria

14:20-14:35 “Economic History and the Chinese Century” Atsushi Ota

14:35-15:00 Discussion

15:00-15:20 Break

15:20-16:05 “Southeast Asian Studies in US, Australia and Japan: A partly autobiographical comparison” Anthony Reid

16:05-16:25 Comments: Michael Feener (& TBA)

16:25-16:50 Discussion

17:30-19:00 Reception at the venue (Toyo University)


— DAY 2: July 23 (Sun)

– Session 3. Commodity, People and Nature on the Frontier: An Alternative Approach to Southeast Asian History in Japan

10:00-10:05 Opening Remarks Kazufumi Nagatsu (Toyo University)

10:05-10:20 Introduction – “Commodity, People and Nature on the Frontier: An Alternative Approach to Southeast Asian History in Japan” Kazufumi, Nagatsu

10:20-10:40 “Austronesian Inter-island Networks and Marine Resources Use: Cases of Prehistoric Island Southeast Asia and Oceania” Rintaro Ono (National Museum of Ethnology)

10:40-11:00 “Trepang and Manilamen: Sea Cucumbers beyond Southeast Asian History” Jun Akamine (Hitotsubashi University)

11:00-11:20 “Mangroves in History: Gates of Parallel World in Vietnam” Shinji Suzuki (Kinki University)

11:20-11:30 Tea Break

11:30-11:50 “Gambir and its Frontiers in the Southeast Asian Archipelago” Kei Nishikawa (Ishinomaki-Senshu University)

11:50-12:10 “Complex Realities of Sweet Bananas: A Commodity for Thought on the Crossroad between the Philippines and Japan” Masako Ishii (Rikkyo University)

12:10-13:20 Lunch Break

13:20-13:30 Comments from Southeast Asian Studies in Japan: Noriyuki Osada (Institute of Developing Economies)

13:30-13:40 Comments from Commodity Studies: TBA

13:40-14:00 Comments: Anthony Reid (Australian National University)

14:00-14:20 Open Discussion

14:20-14:30 Closing Remarks: Atsushi Ota (Keio University)



