A field survey in Malaita and Guadalcanal, Solomon Islands was conducted

From February 13 to March 2, 2023, Prof. Takekawa Daisuke (Core Researcher in University of Kitakyushu) conducted a field research in Guadalcanal Island and southern Malaita Island, Solomon Islands.
The main theme of his research is local governance and resiliency in Melanesian society, where the political sovereignty of village communities is strong.
He have been conducting a post-event survey on political conflicts that have occurred within villages for several years and how communities at risk of submerging their villages in the face of rising sea levels due to global warming are coping with this situation.
Villages submerged by record high water levels at the annual maximum high tide
(Photo by Takekawa Daisuke, September 21st, 2023)
(Written by Takwkawa Daisuke)
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